Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Theres something grand coming...

Hello all!
Today I was offered to live with my sister over the summer. I would live in a cottage on a horse farm in Collegeville, PA. It is only about 2.5 hours from home, so I think I may take the opportunity. My mom and I are going to make a pros and cons list tonight to figure out what would work best. Currently I am diggin' the idea. I want the experience, and I know it would be a good one. I discussed the idea with Zach, and not suprisingly, he told me to do whatever would make me happy. I am very lucky. The two of us both know we need to live seperate lives before we could ever live one together. I think a lot of people get tied down right away, and try to force relationships. We both know what we want, and I know I would be extremely bitter if I were to have stayed in the Cove simply to be closer to Zach. But, whatever works for others works. We all have different views on relationships. I was just blessed with a chill one =) and believe whatever happens happens and if it isn't working stop forcing it! A lesson that has yet to be learned in the Cove.
So far, and its only October, my summer is going to be very busy! Right after spring semester is over Zach and I leave for Portugal for 1-2 weeks, after that I will hopefully be living with my sister, I have Michigan in July to look forward too, and other adventures I hope to dabble in.
This week is going super fast. It is already Tuesday meaning I need to get my work done for Wednesday, so peace!

Friday, October 16, 2009

One hand in the air for the big city...

So it is now the middle of October-can't believe it. I was home for five days last week, a little fall break you could say. I had a great time, but realized that I was getting anxious to back into my routine up here. I think the longer I am from home, the better it is when I go back.
Next time I am home I refuse to make any other plans other than with Jill. She has been a rock for me for awhile now and is the one friendship I can truly count on. You always hear that you meet your lifetime friends in college and in my case this is very true. In high school we are all forced to be together, you basically have no choice who you friends are hahaha, but in college you meet people whose lives and future goals fit with yours. Its really a great feeling!
The next time I will be going home is the weekend of November 14th. Zach and I are heading down to WV to visit Joe and see Old Crow Medecine show. It should be a blast.
I am amazed how fast this semester is going! I feel like just yesterday I was at HMP waiting to leave for school. Now I am in the swing of things and really getting used to the idea of being here.
Two weekends ago I took a trip into the city with Laura where we met a family friend. We were all over the Big Apple from Strawberry Fields in Central Park to the Brooklyn brownstones, which I plan on living in at some point. =)
This coming weekend I am involved in a 48 hour play competition. The writer has 48 hours to write a five minute scene, and the actors have about a day to learn it. I think it should be fun. I decided I need to start jumping at opportunities anymore. For awhile I never tried anything new and was becoming too comfortable in the secure. That is why this spring Zach and I will be taking a trip to....PORTUGAL! We got a great offer and decided we needed to do stuff like this while we can.
Sunday Laura and I will be having lunch with my Aunt and Uncle in Allentown. I think we could both use some home cooked food!
Need to get my day started!